Our Mission...
“Drink of the fountain of life”
“If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink,” “Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” Rev 22:17, John 4:14
“So through His people to-day God desires to bring blessings to the world.” 6T 227
It all began with the dreams of one family, to fulfill the gospel commission: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world.....and then shall the end come.” Matt 24:14 With the day to day struggle just to survive, it became evident that there wasn't enough time in a day to fully fulfill this commission to reach suffering, dying and starving humanity with the gospel.
To give hope to the hopeless, and and shine the light of God's love in a dark world. To tell the old, old story of the life and love of Jesus Christ, to those who have never heard it. To teach all nations, heal the sick feed the hungry, and cloth the naked.....this is the gospel!
But we cannot and must not do it alone. We need others who share this same burden to join us. We intend to train and prepare a people to do sustainable mission service in our training & lifestyle center, with a focus on outreach in remote places, such as Alaska, and also those in the U.S in places where natural disasters and suffering have hit. We also want to reach the cities, and to touch the foreign fields. We intend to not wait for people to come to us to hear this gospel and see it in action, but to take it to them!
The old fashioned tent meetings, where the health message in is not only spoken of, but taught, and the love of Christ preached. Where the homeless are fed, not just food for a day, but for eternity. Where the physical needs of suffering humanity are met and the spiritual revived.
A band of educated and trained missionaries filled with a burden to share this message to help those in need. Traveling hundreds, thousands, of miles to serve others and uniting our hearts together as we work for our Lord.
This is our mission, this is our message, this is our vision!